Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ups and Downs

One thing that is so hard to deal with when trying to drop pounds is seeing the scale move up and down. I always get a little rush when I see the scale drop as little as 1/2 a pound. But when the scale reads 1/2 a pound up, I use to get very upset. But one thing everyone trying to shed weight has to learn is to take the ups and downs in strides.

I have been doing very good this time with not letting the scales cause me to start up my bad eating habits. I even just went through a month long plateau, and am still sticking to my new way of eating. I will admit, the plateau was causing me to rethink. But I wasn't rethinking of going back to being unhealthy. I was rethinking what I was doing right, and what I may be doing wrong. And with all my research, one thing I added to my plan was to cycle my calories. I eat 1600 calories on weekend, 1400 calories Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Then I have 1800 calories on Tuesday and Thursdays. It may sound strange, but I am no longer on my plateau. Is is the calorie cycling that worked? I can not say for sure. But I am going to continue cycling and see what happens!

So for all you out there that is frustrated that your scales went up today. Please remember that going back to old unhealthy habits will not help you get to your healthy lifestyle. And one day very soon you will see the scales drop down lower than you have in years and you will be very proud of yourself that you kept going!

Until next time!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Strength Training

Since January I have dropped 27 pounds. It seems like the weight loss is starting to come to a crawl! So instead of getting mad, and giving up, it is time to shake things up.

I have been planning on starting strength training, but I keep putting it off. It looks like now is a great time to start adding some muscle tone. Adding muscle will help to kick up my metabolism, which in turn will help me to burn more calories. It will also give me the benefit of looking leaner and I will have more strength to do some gardening heavy lifting this summer!

So I researched today and found a great workout YouTube video that matches exactly what I have been looking for in a strength training workout video. I wanted something I can do from home, which only needed some small hand weights. If you want to give it a try, the link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0bhE67HuDY&index=8&list=PLm7JvRbK90TduI27_YUb0jyAXsRF5nAyd

May the strength be with you!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Slow and Steady

When it comes to losing weight, everyone wants to get the weight off ASAP. But I have learned that even though it is possible to lose weight fast, it is better to hit the breaks, and lose it slowly.  Fast weight lost can lead to disappointment down the road. If you can average a 1 to 2 pound weight lose a week, your chances of keeping that weight off goes up. I have been on to many diets that I will lose a bunch of weight fast, just to gain it all back plus some. I am tired of losing the same weight over and over again. This time I am working to slowly get to the weight I want, while getting more comfortable with my new healthy way of living. 

Until next time!